Mainstream Fostering

Children come into foster care with different situations and needs. There are lots of different types of fostering to ensure that each child gets the right type of foster placement.
Emergency placements
Sometimes children need to be placed with a foster family at very short notice. This might happen late at night or over the weekend. Emergency foster carers take turns to be on standby to welcome a child in an emergency. The child will stay with them until a longer-term plan or more suitable arrangement is made.
Short term placements
Short term foster placements last from a few nights up to two years. Children might need to be in foster care short term while situations with their family are being resolved, so they can safely return back home or move on to a more permanent home.
Long term placements
When it has been decided that a child is not able to return home to their family, then we will find a long-term foster placement for a child. These foster families have agreed to make a long-term commitment to care for a specific child until they become an adult.